Thursday, October 23, 2008



so, here's what's happening:

1. Barnaby Jones #1 is going to print THIS WEEKEND, shipping NEXT WEEK, and slithering into your hands very shortly thereafter.

2. If you haven't ordered Barnaby Jones #1, we'll have Paypal available again by the end of the weekend.

3. Barnaby Jones will just be Barnaby Jones. Amelia Earhart will revert to Barnaby Jones #2. Amelia Earhart is in the ocean somewhere.

4. Stay tuned for a blog makeover.

5. We love you. Don't hate us. Remember, make-up journals are the best journals.

With little hearts over the eyes,
The Editors


P. H. M. said...

does nobody believe in building their own site anymore i think it's crap that everyone who's making all the money just relies strictly on blogspot i mean i'd like to see some effort behind the scenes. so i'm saying no, this site is too trendy and at this time i am not interested in paying five dollars for anyone who can't at least build their own site, or get a friend to do it, because i just don't think it's fair to the literary magazines out there who are putting a lot of effort into both sites and content. a blog makeover won't make me happy, because you still aren't showing a willingness to spend ten to twenty bucks on a friggin site of your own. i just don't think it's right, it's getting too out of control now. let tao lin do that, yes, but leave everyone else out of it, everyone else should still use other forms of production, unless they can somehow make a blogspot look good, but they never can, because the fucking thing is inherently too big and retarded with too much unused white space--not even a cool little gimage anywhere to be found. i hate that. sorry, i am not hating you, really, i'm sure your journal is every bit as cool as every other journal coming out right now, but nonetheless, i really feel like "another one" is too much for this little scene of ours to take, its knees will soon buckle, it's arms are already beginning to shake. yes.

Ryan said...
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Ryan said...

gimage: presenta el punto “g” de la comunicación, el lugar en donde la satisfacción es el punto de encuentro entre el emisor y el receptor.

gimage: centra su trabajo en el desarrollo de canales de comunicación dinámica. Este desarrollo abarca aplicaciones de digital-signage (gimage:TV), quioscos interactivos (gimage:TOUCH) y servicios de marketing (gimage:MS&C) para la comunicación corporativa, el punto de venta y la señalética dinámica.

Ryan said...

I believe in at least paying for punctuation. What about you, p.h.m.?

P. H. M. said...

i believe i am many-sided and oft-retarded.

Ryan said...

many sided is keeping things open.

I like your style.

. said...

there is no good or bad in art

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